
Tattoo Parlour, Studio & Shops - Melbourne

Searching for Tattoo Parlour, Studio, or Shops Near Melbourne? Sacred Monkey Tattoo is the Answer

The tattoo industry has become huge over the last decade, meaning that the number of tattoo shops in Melbourne has rapidly increased. You’ll have many places to choose from when you are searching for the perfect artist to create a work of art on your body. However, not every tattoo studio in Melbourne feautures a team of award-winning, world-renowned professionals who will strive to give you exactly the custom design that you desire. When you entrust the team at Sacred Monkey Tattoo parlour in Melbourne, you are entrusting your new piece of expression to a team with years of experience both nationally and internationally.

Not all tattoo shops are created equal. Some cut corners when it comes to the type of equipment or ink they use, which can be detrimental to your final product. Some ink fades and cracks, and some are made with poisonous materials that can cause infection or illness. Some shops don’t thoroughly sterilize needles, which can also lead to infection. You need to do your research before you choose a parlour and an artist. You could also skip all that and come to our shop with the knowledge that you will get a tattoo from one of the leading shops in the country.

Tips on Picking a Tattoo at Our Studio in Melbourne

After you’ve made the fantastic decision of coming to see us at Sacred Monkey Tattoo, you should start making decisions about what kind of tattoo you want. There are a few steps we recommend taking before you sit down in that chair for your tattoo appointment. You should start by deciding where on your body you want your tattoo. Do you want it to be visible or invisible when you wear clothes without sleeves? This could be an important question as it relates to your employment since some companies frown upon exposed tattoos.

You should then decide on your design or at least a theme for your design. Our talented artists can help you create your design based on your theme or elements that you want in the tattoo, but you should have some idea before you make your appointment. If you are unsure exactly how something will look in your design, we can sketch everything out for you before you decide to have it tattooed onto your body.

We want to be your go-to tattoo studio in Australia, which is why we try to make the experience as fun and safe as possible. For more information, call us on 03 9939 7498 or stop in at our Melbourne location.